Take some time to write down all your administrative costs and add them up. Laundering costs if you provide complimentary towels.Water or other complimentary beverages for clients.Monthly laundering costs (yes, even if you have your own washer on-site - detergent is expensive!).According to Nasdaq, administrative costs may include:įor hair, beauty, and salon businesses, they probably also include: They’re the costs that were included when you were just a young thing working out of a larger salon or for a bigger company. We often overlook administrative costs because, before starting your own salon business, you probably took them for granted. Using an expert could mean even more money in your returns - and also mitigating the risk (and cost) of getting audited. It may sound like you’d be spending more money, but filing your taxes incorrectly will add up long-term. If money isn’t your thing and you’re running a busy, service-based business, you need an accountant and possibly probably a bookkeeper. When she did hire a professional, she says, “I ended up saving so much money every year.”

Salon business advisor Nina Tulio readily admits that one of her biggest regrets when starting her business was not hiring an accountant sooner.